20 July 2023

Image of Heads of Year 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find some important information below-

Heads of Year 2023/24

As we come towards the end of another academic year, preparations have been well underway for September 2023 and we are pleased to confirm the staffing arrangements for our Head of Year team, as detailed below-


Head of Year 

Assistant Head of Year 

Year 7 

Miss Beard 

Mr Fell 

Year 8 

Miss Sadler 

Mr Brade 

Year 9 

Mrs Whelan 

Miss Hunter 

Year 10 

Miss Shirley 

Mr Khitab 

Year 11 

Mr Clarke 

Miss Williams 

Year 12 

Dr Osborne 

Year 13 Mrs McGowan  


We would like to thank Miss Barron-Richardson, Mr Brown, Miss Carter and Miss Crutchley for all of their work and commitment as part of the team.


Safeguarding and Wellbeing

At Bishop Challoner, in order to protect and support our students we-

  • Create an environment where all children are safe, feel secure, valued and listened to.
  • Recognise signs and effects of abuse.
  • Respond quickly and appropriately to any incidents/issues where we feel a child/ren are at risk of harm.
  • Know how to access and offer help for children and their families using the 'Right help, Right time' model.

Our safeguarding and wellbeing team are on hand to deal with any concerns that you have, they are-

Mrs Peckover Associate Principle/Senior DSL
Mrs Nutt Assistant Principle
Mrs Reynolds Student Support Co-ordinator
Mr Quigley Student Support Co-ordinator
Mrs Jethwa Standards for Learning Lead
Mr Clarke Standards for Learning Lead


Parent/Carer Communication and Conduct

We are fortunate that parents/carers are supportive of the school and understand that educating children is a process that involves partnership between parents/carers, school staff and the wider community.  In communicating with school staff we kindly request parents/carers-

  • Respect and support the ethos and mission statement of the school.
  • Understand that both school staff and parents/carers need to work together for the benefit of their children.
  • Demonstrate that all members of the school community should be treated with respect and therefore set a good example in their own conduct, especially in front of children.
  • Approach the school directly to help to resolve any issues of concern, rather than posting on social media etc.

Have a safe and peaceful summer break.

Yours faithfully,


Mr Hearnden

Vice Principal