10 November 2023

Image of Year 11 Information Evening


Dear Parent/Carer, 

The Year 11 Mock Examinations will take place from Monday 4th December 4th to Wednesday 20th December. Thorough revision for these examinations is essential and the feedback from these examinations will provide valuable feedback supporting students in preparation for their GCSE examinations in the Summer term. 

We would like to invite you to a Year 11 Independent Study Support Evening on Wednesday 22nd November 2023, please confirm your attendance via Schoolcomms .  By attending, you will be provided with key information about the Year 11 learning journey and how you can effectively support your child at home with their GCSE study. The talk will focus on revision strategies, and how you can support your child with their revision and independent study at home. Additionally, you will receive a Parental Information Support pack containing key information and support materials.  

We would very much appreciate your attendance at this event, and your ongoing support in ensuring your child fully understands the importance of the coming months and applies their full attention to examination preparation both in school and at home.  

Best wishes,

Mr Clarke

Head of Year 11