Dear Parent/Carer,

We are delighted to welcome Year 7 students to Bishop Challoner and to congratulate them on such a wonderful start to the school year and their secondary education. We are confident that Year 7 will have a very successful year and that they will achieve well.

During their time at Bishop Challoner, students are assessed in regular intervals so that we can monitor their progress. The first of these assessments will take place between Monday 21st October and Wednesday 13th November.

Year 7 students will only be assessed in the following subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Science
  • RE

The assessments will be completed during normal lesson time and an assessment timetable is now published on the school website, along with guidance on the topics to be assessed within each subject. Please make sure that your child refers to this guidance as it will help them to feel effectively prepared for these assessments.

Year 7 students may feel apprehensive about taking assessments so please reassure them that we will let them know everything they need to well in advance. The assessments will allow staff to gain a deeper understanding of what the students have understood and retained. They should not cause undue anxiety.

To further help students prepare for assessments, I recommend maintaining a good homework routine whereby homework is done when it is set so students have enough time to seek support should they require it. Likewise, small chunks of revision, recapping skills, creating mind maps and practice will help pupils.

You will have an opportunity to discuss the progress your child is currently making during our Parent Consultation Day on Monday 16th December. More details on this will follow.

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish your child every success with their assessments.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns or queries.

Kind regards


Miss R Lloyd                                            Miss L Williams

Head of Year 7                                        Assistant Head of Year 7

Year 7 Subject Information and Guidance

Year 7 Assessment Downloads