11 February 2022

Image of Year 9 Pathways

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week, Year 9 students have been introduced to our Pathways process as part of their PSHE lessons. This will continue next week.

In addition, students in Year 9 will receive their Pathways Booklet which details the range of subjects available in Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11). 

You will also receive a letter from me introducing you to our Pathways process. Included with the letter will be a copy of your child's provisional Pathway Choices Form. 

You will also be able to access the Year 9 Virtual Assembly that will take place next week. This provides important information to Year 9 on our Pathways process.

Our Pathways Evening will take place on Thursday 17th March from 6pm and I look forward to seeing you then.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mr G Hetherton

Senior Vice Principal