9 March 2023
Dear parents and carers,
Arrangements for Friday 10th March
Thank you for your support earlier today with our decision to close due to adverse weather. The conditions worsened greatly between 7am and 9am this morning as students and staff were already travelling into school; this meant, along with many other local secondary schools, we had to make the difficult decision to close at the start of the school day.
It is tricky to predict what the weather will do overnight and first thing tomorrow morning. At this point we anticipate the school will be fully open but we are aware that things could quickly change tomorrow and make travel conditions unsafe for students and staff.
Senior staff will be onsite at 7am tomorrow and will communicate at this point whether school will be open tomorrow. The likely outcomes of the decision made at 7am are:
1) The school will be open as usual at the normal start time of 8:40am.
2) The school will open but we will delay the start of the school day to provide sufficient time for all members of our school community to safely arrive.
3) The school will be closed for the day.
If we open and conditions deteriorate during the day to the extent we are required to send students home, we will advise you accordingly.
Thank you again for your support today, please pray for rain tonight and tomorrow!
Best wishes
Dr J Coughlan