8 January 2025

Image of Year 7 History Trip


Dear Parent/Carer,

Horrible Histories Live Trip, The Alexandra Theatre

Thursday 10th April 2025

The History Department is offering Year 7 students the chance to watch a live performance of Horrible Histories: Terrible Tudors at the Alexandra Theatre in Birmingham on Thursday 10th April 2025.

The trip is designed to support students in their studies of the Tudor period, including the rule of monarchs such as Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, and the religious changes that happened during this period.

Students will be transported by Bromsgrove Coaches and we will be leaving school at 9am. The trip is due to finish at 1pm and we aim to return to school for approximately 1.30pm.

Students are required to wear full school uniform as they will be returning to lessons once we have arrived back at school.  Students should bring their own lunch unless they are entitled to a free school meal, in which case a lunch will be provided for them.  Additional food items can be purchased at the theatre. Students that suffer from any medical condition must carry appropriate medication on the day.  If they fail to do so, they risk being refused participation in the trip.

The total cost of the trip will be a one-off payment of £29. This includes tickets to watch the show and travel by coach.  This payment is a voluntary contribution to the overall cost of the fieldtrip.  Without coverage of costs, the trip may not proceed.

There are 50 places available on this trip.  Each place will be allocated on a first come first served basis by registering through Schoolcomms, which will go live on Thursday 9th January at 7:30am.  If you would like your child to take part in this trip then please consent and pay the fee of £29 by 3pm on Monday 13th January.  This consent includes your permission for photographs to be taken of your child. If you object to your child being captured in the photographs, please contact me on 0121 444 4161.

Please know that if a school trip becomes full it will no longer be visible on Schoolcomms. If you have been unsuccessful in securing a place on Schoolcomms for your child then please contact Mrs Durkin in the Pastoral Office to request that your child is placed on a reserve list for the named trip. If and when a place becomes available you will be contacted directly. Can I also please highlight the ‘Trip Lockdown Procedures’ on the reverse of this letter.

If you require any more information about the trip, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at l.thomas@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk.

Yours faithfully,

Miss L Thomas

Trip Lead